11th Doctoral Consortium @ Interspeech 2025
ISCA’s Student Advisory Committee is pleased to announce its 11th Doctoral Consortium at Interspeech 2025, taking place on August 16th. The event gives the doctoral students the opportunity to get feedback on their ongoing dissertation project from a panel of experts.
Whether you are just beginning your dissertation journey or well underway, the Doctoral Consortium welcomes you! Each participant will have a dedicated 30-minute slot to present and discuss their work-in-progress. Expert-led discussions will focus on helping you refine your research direction, strengthen your research plan, and identify key next steps in your project.
We encourage all doctoral students in speech-related fields to submit a concise two-page abstract outlining their dissertation project. This year, we especially welcome applications from students who are preparing for their qualification examinations. The Consortium provides a unique and supportive environment to gain unbiased insights into your research proposal and experimental plan.
Ready to take your research to the next level? Submit your abstract by May 27th, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth!
Keep an eye for upcoming details and submission guidelines!
Like last year, the review process will be double-blind.
Abstract Guidelines Content
Abstracts should describe the dissertation project/idea as a whole: what you have done so far, what you plan to do, and what challenges you see. The abstract may incorporate in-progress and published work, but should address the following points:
Research question and motivation
Key challenges (methodological and/or theoretical)
Discussion of results (or expected results and their implications)
Plans for the future
Main contributions of your research
Abstracts from previous years can be found here.
2 pages with 1 additional page for references (if needed)
Use the Interspeech 2025 template provided here in the blind format
The doctoral student must be the sole author
Submit your abstract in PDF format by May 27th, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth. More information about submission will be announced soon.
Fabian Ritter:
For more information about ISCA-SAC please visit: www.isca-students.org
Mentoring Events at Interspeech 2025
After six successful editions of the mentoring event, ISCA-SAC is organizing mentoring events for the seventh time at Interspeech 2025 in Rotterdam. As before, we will hold two events: round tables and one-on-one mentoring. We invite all researchers at any stage of their career to participate. Participants will be given the opportunity to engage in group (round table) and one-to-one discussions with academics/researchers/professionals from academia and industry in a friendly, welcoming environment.
Round-table mentoring: In-person during Interspeech 2025, during lunchtime (lunch provided); exact time and location: [TBA]
The round-tables are an opportunity for participants and mentors to interact on various topics of mutual interest. Each round-table will have an assigned topic, two mentors, and 6-8 participants. Mentors will be confirmed closer to the date. We will try our best to prioritize your preferred topics for discussion.
One-on-one mentoring: Mentor and mentee decide when and where to meet. This can be in-person or virtual. If you feel more comfortable discussing specific topics in a one-on-one session, you can register for this event, and we will do our best to find a mentor matching your needs. We will later introduce mentor and participant pairs and let you arrange the best time/place for your conversation (choice/preference of the mentor and mentee). This conversation can be in person or virtual. Mentees and mentors do not need to attend Interspeech in person; they can participate virtually. Our goal is to increase access to mentoring for as many mentees (who might not be able to travel to Interspeech) as possible and better support the speech research community.
Mentee (participant): Anyone interested in participating is invited to register using the registration form [TBA]. You can register for both events. We will do our best to have a place for everyone, but in case that is not possible, participants will be selected according to availability of mentors and topics on a first-come first-serve basis. We will contact you via e-mail after registration.
Mentor (professional member): Anyone willing to become a mentor for either event, you can register via our online form [TBA]. If you feel that you would be able to give meaningful feedback, share concerns, or answer questions from participants, this is a great chance to become a mentor for our sessions.
Students meet Experts @ Interspeech 2025
After successful editions in Lyon (2013), Singapore (2014), San Francisco (2016), Stockholm (2017), Hyderabad (2018), Graz (2019), virtually in both Shanghai (2020) and Brno (2021), Incheon (2022), Dublin (2023) and Kos (2024), we are excited to announce that Students Meet Experts is now coming to Interspeech 2025 in Rotterdam. We will have a panel discussion with experts from academia and industry. We encourage you to submit questions before the event. A selection of the submitted questions will be answered from the panel of experts. Please keep in mind that the experts and the audience are coming from different fields, so field specific and technical questions are less likely to be presented to the panel. Examples of topics discussed last years are career path (academia or industry), work-life balance, and mental health in academia. A form to submit your questions and/or register for this event, will be made available closer to the event, as well as information regarding date, time and invited experts.
João Menezes:
Hello 2025!
Say hi to (some of) our new board and volunteers in 2025!
In January we had a kick-off meeting for the organization of all the SAC events of 2025. Stay tuned for another round of mentoring, doctoral consortium, students meet experts, and the Speech Pitch podcast!
If you are interested in joining as a volunteer, please contact us directly or fill in this form: Click here
Mentoring Events at Interspeech 2024
Many thanks to all the experts and students who joined us in our Round-Table as well as One-on-One mentoring at Interspeech 2024!
Looking forward to seeing you in our future events.
After five successful editions of the mentoring event, ISCA-SAC is organizing mentoring events for the sixth time at Interspeech 2024 on Kos Island. This year, again, we will hold two events: round tables and one-on-one mentoring. We invite all researchers at any stage of their career to participate. Participants will be given the opportunity to engage in group (round table) and one-to-one discussions with academics/researchers/professionals from academia and industry in a friendly, welcoming environment.
Round-table mentoring: In-person during Interspeech 2024, on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, lunchtime at 12:15-13:15 at the IASSO Hall at Kipriotis Hotels & Conference Center, Kos Island, Greece.
Catering to your needs, separate round tables will be provided for participants and mentors to interact on various topics of mutual interest. Each round-table will have an assigned topic, two mentors, and 6-8 participants. Mentors will be confirmed closer to the date. We will try our best to prioritize your preferred topics for discussion.
One-on-one mentoring: Mentor and mentee decide when and where to meet. This can be in-person or virtual.
If you feel more comfortable discussing specific topics in a one-on-one session, you can register for this event, and we will do our best to find a mentor matching your needs. We will later introduce mentor and participant pairs and let you arrange the best time/place for your conversation (choice/preference of the mentor and mentee). This conversation can be in-person or virtual. Mentees do not need to attend Interspeech in person; they can participate virtually. Our goal is to increase access to mentoring for as many mentees (who might not be able to travel to Interspeech) as possible and better support the speech research community.
Mentee (participant): Anyone interested in participating is invited to register using the registration form below. You can register for both events. We will do our best to have a place for everyone, but in case that is not possible, participants will be selected according to availability of mentors and topics on a first-come first-serve basis. We will contact you via e-mail after registration.
Click here to REGISTER
Mentor (professional member): Anyone willing to become a mentor for the one-on-one mentoring session (in-person/virtual) can register via our online form. This would be an excellent opportunity to connect with researchers from various backgrounds and experience levels and engage in meaningful conversations. If you feel that you would be able to give meaningful feedback, share concerns, or answer questions from participants, this is a great chance to become a mentor for the one-to-one mentoring sessions.
Click here to REGISTER.
If you are interested in mentoring a round table, please contact us by email (see below).
João Vitor Possamai de Menezes (
Michael Kuhlmann (
11th Students meet Experts at Interspeech 2024
Date: Thursday, September 5th
Time: Lunchtime 12:15-13:15
Location: IASSO Hall at Kipriotis Hotels & Conference Center
Panel of Experts:
- Brian King (Amazon Alexa, USA)
- Ondrej Klejch (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Volker Steinbiss (AppTek, Germany)
- Barbara Tillmann (CNRS, France)
- Jennifer Williams (University of Southampton, UK)
- Carol Espy Wilson (University of Maryland, USA)
After successful editions in Lyon (2013), Singapore (2014), San Francisco (2016), Stockholm (2017), Hyderabad (2018), Graz (2019), virtually in both Shanghai (2020) and Brno (2021), Incheon (2022), Dublin (2023), we are excited to announce that Students Meet Experts is now coming to INTERSPEECH 2024 in Kos Island, Greece. We will have a panel discussion with experts from academia and industry.. We encourage you to submit questions before the event. A selection of the submitted questions will be answered from the panel of experts. Please keep in mind that the experts and the audience are coming from different fields, so field specific and technical questions are less likely to be presented to the panel. Examples of topics discussed last years are career path (academia or industry), work-life balance, and mental health in academia. To submit your questions and/or register for this event, we ask you to fill in the form below.
Click to REGISTER and SUBMIT your questions
Tina Raissi
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